1. What is MAP ?
MAP (Monitoring Analysis & Prediction) is a software specifically designed for chemical manufacturing industry. It is entirely customized to the actual plant operation (e.g. monitoring plant operating data) & all the functional activities related to the process manufacturing (e.g. shift log books, issuing work permits, recording safety alerts etc).
2. Is this MAP same for all manufacturing companies?
MAP differs from process to process e.g. MAP for an X manufacturing company cannot be same for the Y company even though they manufacture same products because processes can differ in terms of use of technology, work practices etc.
3. Is this MAP similar to what ERP-Manufacturing offered by some of the ERP companies?
Many ERP (Enterprise resource planning) companies offers ERP manufacturing. However, what they actually offer in manufacturing ERP is just the production, raw material & other consumptions related numbers which has nothing to do with actual manufacturing process.
4. What does MAP exactly do?
- Monitoring: Monitor the real time plant data. MAP is bringing all your live plant data with same DCS graphics & structure online. Processes which doesn’t use DCS system & are 100% manual operation or partially manual can also monitored (we design the software & coding according to the process functioning). A static image similar to the DCS screen shot is developed while the values populating in the image are dynamic & real time values. Software is designed (basically coding is done) such that DSC real time data synchronizes with a scheduler (part of coding) & it starts showing DCS live data on your desktop or laptop Apart from automatically fetched DCS data, any manually recorded data can also be monitored.
- Analysis: As plant data is keep on accumulating in the database, historical data of any parameter can be viewed in “Trends” or “Graphs” (Tools developed for analysis). Comparison of different values is also possible which makes analysis & decision making faster and
- Prediction: This is nothing but forecasting & predicting something g. with the given data set of reactor or exchanger (inlet temperature, delta-T or delta-P) software can predict run length of the reactor, furnace or any equipment or forecasting the production values with the given different raw materials & operating parameters etc.
5. What does MAP offers other than Monitoring Analysis & Prediction?
- Department wise shift report: Shift report/log is generally filled by shift in-charge in which he mentions daily We develop the same format in the software so that management can also get updated with plant ongoing activities.
- Work Permit: Work permit system in software functions similar to the offline process of any manufacturing company g. Production department sending work permit to Maintenance department with description of job to perform with all the details like type of permit (general, height, vessel entry etc), isolation reference numbers etc. We can develop work permit system with approvals & closures similar way to the offline process.
- Safety Alert: “Safety Alert” to record unsafe practices & unsafe conditions to avoid accidents. Any user can report an entry of near miss, first aid case Management get updated with the safety issues in the work area.
- Chat box: A messenger type chat box is provided for interdepartmental communication or one to one Users can share information publically (all the user receives information) or privately.
- Knowledge Management: Knowledge is invaluable. With the Knowledge Management you can define, structure, retain and share the knowledge and experience of employees within an organization.
- Dashboard: Customized dashboard for individual user that provides the key information needed in the format they require which enables effective process KPI monitoring.
- Reports: Automatic generation of different kinds of reports (daily, weekly, monthly) in a predetermined format. These reports include production values, raw material consumption, stocks, sells, daily or monthly plant performance etc.
- Other: We can develop many such kind of functional activities in the software as per client requirement so that management can track & analyse it for record purpose, decision making & business planning.
6. What is aim behind making this software ?
- One should get all the plant operating details just by login into the software through computer, laptop or mobile. Wherever you are, in any part of the world you can able to access all plant operating details & status.
- To bring all the stakeholders related to the process manufacturing on same platform such as Management, Production, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrument, QA, QC, Safety, Utility, Technical services etc.
- To develop detail plant monitoring & analysis tool which will help in controlling the plant operation effectively.
- Record each & every steps involved with the manufacturing process as well as the functioning of individual departments & later use this data for analysis purpose.
- Develop detail plant monitoring & analysis tool which will help in controlling the plant operation effectively.
- Capture the deviations in process operations & suggest right course of action.
- Update the management with each & every details of the plant records & ongoing activities.
- Avoid manipulation of reporting entries & digitize all the manually entered records.
- Increase productivity, work efficiency & improve decision-making process.
7. What difference MAP software make from plant operation point of view & how it benefits manufacturing organization?
Benefit to the Management: Above diagram explains the information sharing process before & after MAP existence and how it makes the difference after having plant operation software.With the existing system key management staff such as MD, CEO, VP, AVP or Technical services etc doesn’t get more than 20% information of any plant or other supporting departments. Because it’s not possible (as there is no tool available) for them to do micro level of analysis. MAP provides this opportunity of crosschecking. You can track, crosscheck, analyse 100% of plant functioning, operating data, and can do micro level of analysis.
Benefit to the Plant operating personnel: Process plants today are well instrumented and have robust advance control systems in place. So much so that the volume of available data, the velocity at which this data is collected and the sheer variety of data available from the plant and the supply chain, makes it impossible for unaided operating personnel to assimilate and get his/her mind around this data overload. As a result, more than 80% of the data collected is just archived and never used. Plants end up being run on experience-based intuition, a minimal level of data or software driven analysis undertaken by limited resources with limited time and old Standard Operating Procedures prescribed by the process licensor. This often results in anomalies going undetected, potential reliability problems and missing opportunities for improvement. MAP provides an aid for them to dig into the data by using powerful build up tools such as Trends, graphs & tables to analyze systematically using scientific algorithms & come up with the results.
Benefit to the organization:
- Better monitoring & analysis
- Improved productivity
- Faster decision making
- Better Asset utilization
- Waste reduction
- Resource optimization
8. How the software designing takes place & what are the different phases involved in this process?
- Understanding / identifying the scope of work, process functioning & functional activities.
- Identification of departments & users to consider for software development.
- Creation of the login page, user login id & password.
- Software coding, development & testing.
- Training to the users.
- Actual use of software on daily basis.
9. What about the data storage?
We understand the importance of data security. Considering this we offer two types of data storage.
- In-house server: Data is stored in a mini server located in factory premise. IP address of the server is provided as URL to access this Advantage of this option is that no one can access this website outside of the factory premise. However, selected staff can access from outside using VPN
- Cloud: Data is stored on cloud which is purchased from hosting (shared server) providers. Anyone can access the website by typing URL (e.g xxxx.com/.co.in) in browser. However login ID, password & OTP is required to login into the system. Cloud option is also secured enough & best suitable for organizations who have large data generation.